Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

!±8± Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

Baby shower gifts are a tradition dating back to the early 1900's where friends and family would throw a "shower" similar to how they would for a bridal shower - to "shower" the woman with gifts before her big day (marriage or having a baby). In the early days, the guests made most of the baby shower gifts. Umbrellas were a popular symbol of the event because the baby shower was traditionally an afternoon event and the guests would use the umbrella to stay out of the sun.

Today, if the Mommy-to-Be intends on registering, she should do so about a month before the baby shower. This allows the host to send the registration information along with the baby shower invitations. Modern day baby showers are much different and not just for tea. Baby shower gifts range from practical to outlandish. You should check to see where the Mommy-to-Be is registered for gifts before deciding the type baby shower gift to give. Here's some of the more popular baby shower gifts as well as some creative gifts to give the parents-to-be.

Clothing: Sleepers, receiving blanket, undershirts, diapers. socks and hats. make sure they are easy to change since too many buttons or snaps may be difficult for new parents to take on and off the baby. the Mommy-to-Be will need cute clothes to take the baby home from the hospital

Health & Grooming Products: Baby powder, lotion, baby wipes, desitin, q-tips, hydrogen peroxide (for the umbilical cord), baby safety pins, nail file, scissors, first aid kit, baby soaps and wash cloths, baby thermometer, diaper bag

Feeding: Bibs, bottles, bottle holders, baby formula, breast pump, nipples, bottle brush set, tipper cup, feeding spoon, baby burp towels, baby dishes and bathrobe

In the Bath Products: Towel with cute hood, wash cloths, baby lotion, shampoo, soap, baby brush and bath toys

In the Crib/Bassinet Items: Crib fitted sheets, comforter, bumper pads, mobile, crib trim, waterproof crib pads and blanket to swaddle the infant

For the Baby Room: Stuffed animals, cute pictures for the wall, gift certificate for a muralist to come out, dresser, changing table, cute initials of the baby on some type of ceramic item, picture frame, nursery lamp, furniture, boppy, bouncy seats and piggy bank

Toy Time: Teething toys, colorful play matt, black and white play matt, musical toys and plush / stuffed animals

Learning Time: Baby Bach Video, Baby Einstein CD's, classical music CD's, Disney movies, books for the parents, baby books, lamaze soft books and story books

For the Parents: Pamper the parents-to-be with a gift certificate to a spa, book store, record store, or a nice gift such as baby hand and foot imprinting plaster, Baby Bjorn or other baby carrier Coupons for babysitting

Here's some helpful hints for planning your baby shower gifts for the Mommy-to-Be and the Daddy-to-Be:

More Expensive but Practical Gifts: Stroller, bassinet, baby dresser, baby changing table, baby car seat, baby car seat attachment, high chair, baby swing, bouncy seat, sound monitor, video monitor, potty chair, diaper genie (container), safety gate, baby scale, breast pump, rocking chair.

Unique Gifts: Grow chart, gift for siblings, gift certificate for baby pictures, U.S. Saving Bonds for the baby, silver spoon or rattle and baby proofing the house

Baby Shower Coupons: For those that want to give their time for their gift and don't have much money, it is fun to be creative and make baby shower coupons for the parents such as " 2- Hour Babysitting", "Cook for the Mommy and Daddy two meals", etc. The parents to be will really appreciate this baby shower coupon gift book, especially for first time parents who appreciate the help

Gift of Saving a Life: A thoughtful baby shower gift is a gift certificate for a private CPR class for the mommy and daddy to be and a few of their selected family and friends who may become future babysitters

Diapers, Diapers and More Diapers: A great gift that seems to always running out for the Mommy-to-Be is to have everyone bring a few packages of diapers. New mommies never have enough in the house so getting diapers is a perfect baby shower gift

Useful Laundry Basket Idea: Instead of spending the money on a gift bag that is likely to get thrown away, use laundry basket, line it with a baby blanket and put the gift inside and cover with tissue paper or another blanket. Then the basket can be used for the extra laundry that will be added or for toy storage

Floating Ducky: Take a silver mini washtub and fill it with water and float a rubber duck in each one. Tie balloons to one of the handles. It's simple, but sweet. You can also place various baby shower related items next to the washtub, like shampoo, lotion and such

Laundry Basket Goods: Purchase a laundry basket, baby laundry detergent, you're favorite pre-wash, stain remover, wipes to go, and some fabric softener and place in the basket. You can arrange all these small items with tissue paper in the laundry basket, which will serve as you're gift basket

Baby Shower Baby Books: Have each baby shower guest bring a baby book for the new parents. Have each guest pre-write a sentiment or advice to the new parent's on the first page of each book which is a great memento to cherish for the baby growing up and the parents

Baby Plant / Tree: Buy a small tree that can be planted outside of the parents-to-be home. Tie baby items to the branches. The parent's to be can watch the tree and the baby grow at the same time. You can do the same thing with a small indoor plant

Fleece Baby Blanket: A fleece baby blanket is made by taking two pieces of fleece and putting them together, then cutting 3 in slits every 1 inch all the way around the blanket and tie knots to keep the pieces together. Then just roll the blanket up and tie it with a ribbon

Keepsake Box: Use a hatbox and add personal touches to the box by filling it in with onsies, clothes, pacifiers, bottles, wipes, diapers, etc. You can also include a pack of alphabet stickers so I could put the baby's name and birth date, weight and height on the box with the stickers once he/she is born

Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting Ready For Baby - A Newborn Checklist

!±8± Getting Ready For Baby - A Newborn Checklist

Having everything you need for baby ready to go before you bring your newborn home is a wise thing for a new parent to do. But what to get for a newborn baby?

Keep in mind that you never really need as much as you think you will. Be realistic. Do you really need a bottle warmer? If you're a parent who can afford it and you want it even if you don't need it, then go for it. Just know that in a few months you're probably going to be reselling it because you've realized that some things are more trouble than they're worth.

I advise having the nursery set up, with supplies in place, clothes washed and ready to go, three to four weeks before your due date. That way, even if your baby comes early, you'll be prepared. It's so much easier to come home from the hospital when you know you've got everything you need on hand.

Below is a list of the essential must haves for your baby's comfort and safety.


• Bassinet, Co-Sleeper/Crib or a Pack and Play for your bedroom.
For the first 12 weeks, you'll be feeding your baby every 2 to 4 hours so having him in your room will help keep you from having to shuffle back and forth to the nursery. It 's also nice for keeping your baby cuddled up and close by. Your newborn has just come from a compact space, so they like to feel snug. I recommend using the bassinet instead of the crib until your baby can turn over or there is no longer room for him to stretch. You'll only need it in the early months, but you'll be really happy to have it!

• Crib and Mattress
When your baby outgrows the bassinet it's time for a crib. Be sure to buy one that meets current safety standards and make sure that the mattress fits snugly against the sides so that baby can't wiggle or get wedged under.

• Baby sling

Every mom I know SWEARS by a sling or some type of carrier. It allows you to be mobile and still keep your baby physically connected to you. Be sure it provides proper neck and head support, and is made of a washable fabric. It should feel comfortable on you and permit you to carry your baby facing in or out. In the beginning, you'll want to have her facing in. As she gets older, she'll want to face out so she can see the world.

• Changing mat
This is a plastic pad that you put down in order to change your baby. You can put a towel on top or use a cover so your baby won't feel the cold plastic. If you have the budget, you an also purchase a changing table, although it's really not a necessity. The amount of time you will use it is very short.

• Infant Carrier/Car Seat/Stroller

I'm a big fan of the 'system'. It's a carrier that connects to the car and stroller attachments. They make it so much easier for you and the baby to go from home to car and to stroller. Be sure to get your car seat inspected or installed at the hospital where you will be delivering. You will not be able to leave the hospital with your newborn without a proper car seat so have this installed 1-week before your due date if you can.

• High Chair
You won't need a high chair until your baby is at least 5-6 months old so you might want to hold off on this purchase for awhile.

• Baby Bumbo Sitter

Once your baby is about 3 months old and has some neck control, this is great! They can sit it in it for everything.

• Baby Bath Tub
It's important to start off with a small bath tub because in a small space with just a little bit of water, you gain confidence in how to hold and handle your baby. I love those that have the sling because until about 3 or 4 months old they don't have any neck control. The sling helps you keep them in place.

• Bouncy/vibrating seat and/or swing

Having somewhere safe to put your infant while you cook or get dressed is vital and babies love the motion they provide.


• Large comfortable rocking chair

• Sound Machine - These are great for helping to soothe your baby. They play sounds from the mothers womb, water sounds, sounds from nature etc. They even come inside of soft stuffed animals.

• Baby Monitoring System - There are many options out there now including video monitoring systems so you can see the baby in his or her crib. Dual monitors or multiple monitors are a must if you have multiple levels in your home or your master bedroom is on a different level altogether. There are also remote pager systems so you can clip it on and listen as you go room to room.

• Breast Pump & Accessories

• Nursing Pillows - I like the Boppy. It can be used by the baby too, so it serves multiple purposes. The Brest Friend, however provides good support and leverage and has a strap you can tie around you if you need to be mobile. It also has a pouch that zips to put things in.

• CD Player with Head Phones and Audio Books - For you when you're up in the night with the baby

• Baby Car Mirror - Since kids are rear-facing until they are about a year old and/or 20+ lbs., I love this. It allows you to see your baby through your rearview mirror. Some of them will even entertain your baby with lights and songs.

• Activity Mat or Baby Gym/ crib mobile - If you get a mobile for the crib or pack n play, make sure it's colorful and musical. The same goes for activity mats. Be sure the toys include mirrors and sounds.


I highly recommend all cotton. It's soft and can be washed in hot water to sterilize. Everything should be washed with a mild detergent, like Dreft, before coming in contact with your baby. During the first six months, wash babies clothes separately from the other laundry. The baby's bedding should keep your newborn comfortable and safe. Use only quality, breathable materials and avoid fluffy things until your baby is able to move items like blankets from his/her face.

• 3 stretch cotton-fitted sheets for the bassinet, and later for the crib
• 4 cotton blankets that can be used for swaddling
• 3 warmer blankets
• 2 mattress pads
• Lots of burp cloths (cloth diapers) that can be used for wiping up spit up and all kinds of messes
• 2 Hooded towels and washcloths


When it comes to babies clothing, it's all about layers. One key thing to know is that babies can't regulate their temperature very well until they're about six moths old. It's very easy for them to get overheated or too cold. It's up to you to keep the temperature right through layering of clothes and the use of blankets.

Think about the practicality and ease of dressing. Make sure the crotch opens easily for diaper changing. Soft and easy to change outfits are recommended since you will probably be changing your baby several times a day.

• 4-6 sleepers
• 5-7 one piece garments
• 3-4 gowns/kimonos
• 5-7 comfortable day outfits
• 8-10 undershirts
• 3-4 bibs
• 4-5 pairs of socks or booties
• 3 cotton caps/hats
• 2 sweaters if it's winter
• 1 snowsuit or fleece if it's winter

Optional - A sleep sack. These are making their way over from Europe -- they're a brilliant way to keep baby warm at night without blankets, which baby can kick off. It's like a sleeping bag, but it has open arms for ventilation and a zippered bottom so diaper changes are still easy.


• Diapers - Your baby will go through roughly five thousand diapers before he's potty trained! And in the early days you may be changing your baby up to 12 times a day. Whether you plan to use disposables, recycled, cloth or a diaper service, be sure to have plenty on hand.
• Diaper wipes - I like the unscented ones for the first several months
• Diaper Bag - Get a nice durable bag with large pockets and make sure that it always has:
• 4-5 Diapers
• Diaper wipes
• Cloth diaper/ burp cloths for cleaning up spit up and spills
• Diaper sacks for dirty diapers
• Diaper rash cream
• Antibacterial gel to clean your hands
• Changing pad
• One change of clothing from head to toe
• Spare pacifier
• 1 Bib
• A couple of soft toys and rattles
• 1 bottle of water that can be used for making a bottle
• 1 -2 bottles
• Formula


• 2-4 nursing bras
• One box of disposable breast pads
• Nipple cream
• Either an electric breast pump or a hand pump
• Breast milk storage containers
• A kit or bag to put your milk bottles in and ice packs
• At least 2 bottles
• A Good Support Book - I like 'The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding' by The La Leche League


• 6-8 slow flow or bent-neck bottles with soft nipples
• Bottle Brush & Optional Sanitizing System- It's important to thoroughly wash bottles after every use and then sanitize bottles at least every 2-3 months. You'll also want to sterilize your breast pump parts if you are pumping.


• Baby thermometer
• Baby soaps and lotions
• Tearless shampoo
• Bath toys
• Baby oil
• Diaper rash Ointment
• Vaseline
• Sterile cotton balls
• Baby nail scissors/clippers
• Baby brush/comb
• Rubbing alcohol
• Q-tips
• 3-4 pacifiers
• Nose Suction Bulb syringe - usually supplied by the hospital so be sure to take it
• Hypoallergenic (dye-free) laundry detergent which is mild.
• Night lite
• Several Good Parenting Books - I like 'Secrets Of The Baby Whisperer' By Tami Hoag and 'The Happiest Baby On The Block' by Harvey Karp

Being prepared for your newborn will help eliminate as much as possible those worries you may have about being a parent so you can enjoy the process. It's so much easier to feel confident about coming home from the hospital when you know you've got everything you need on hand. Enjoy your new little baby!

Getting Ready For Baby - A Newborn Checklist

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

!±8± Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

Baby shower gifts are a tradition dating back to the early 1900's where friends and family would throw a "shower" similar to how they would for a bridal shower - to "shower" the woman with gifts before her big day (marriage or having a baby). In the early days, the guests made most of the baby shower gifts. Umbrellas were a popular symbol of the event because the baby shower was traditionally an afternoon event and the guests would use the umbrella to stay out of the sun.

Today, if the Mommy-to-Be intends on registering, she should do so about a month before the baby shower. This allows the host to send the registration information along with the baby shower invitations. Modern day baby showers are much different and not just for tea. Baby shower gifts range from practical to outlandish. You should check to see where the Mommy-to-Be is registered for gifts before deciding the type baby shower gift to give. Here's some of the more popular baby shower gifts as well as some creative gifts to give the parents-to-be.

Clothing: Sleepers, receiving blanket, undershirts, diapers. socks and hats. make sure they are easy to change since too many buttons or snaps may be difficult for new parents to take on and off the baby. the Mommy-to-Be will need cute clothes to take the baby home from the hospital

Health & Grooming Products: Baby powder, lotion, baby wipes, desitin, q-tips, hydrogen peroxide (for the umbilical cord), baby safety pins, nail file, scissors, first aid kit, baby soaps and wash cloths, baby thermometer, diaper bag

Feeding: Bibs, bottles, bottle holders, baby formula, breast pump, nipples, bottle brush set, tipper cup, feeding spoon, baby burp towels, baby dishes and bathrobe

In the Bath Products: Towel with cute hood, wash cloths, baby lotion, shampoo, soap, baby brush and bath toys

In the Crib/Bassinet Items: Crib fitted sheets, comforter, bumper pads, mobile, crib trim, waterproof crib pads and blanket to swaddle the infant

For the Baby Room: Stuffed animals, cute pictures for the wall, gift certificate for a muralist to come out, dresser, changing table, cute initials of the baby on some type of ceramic item, picture frame, nursery lamp, furniture, boppy, bouncy seats and piggy bank

Toy Time: Teething toys, colorful play matt, black and white play matt, musical toys and plush / stuffed animals

Learning Time: Baby Bach Video, Baby Einstein CD's, classical music CD's, Disney movies, books for the parents, baby books, lamaze soft books and story books

For the Parents: Pamper the parents-to-be with a gift certificate to a spa, book store, record store, or a nice gift such as baby hand and foot imprinting plaster, Baby Bjorn or other baby carrier Coupons for babysitting

Here's some helpful hints for planning your baby shower gifts for the Mommy-to-Be and the Daddy-to-Be:

More Expensive but Practical Gifts: Stroller, bassinet, baby dresser, baby changing table, baby car seat, baby car seat attachment, high chair, baby swing, bouncy seat, sound monitor, video monitor, potty chair, diaper genie (container), safety gate, baby scale, breast pump, rocking chair.

Unique Gifts: Grow chart, gift for siblings, gift certificate for baby pictures, U.S. Saving Bonds for the baby, silver spoon or rattle and baby proofing the house

Baby Shower Coupons: For those that want to give their time for their gift and don't have much money, it is fun to be creative and make baby shower coupons for the parents such as " 2- Hour Babysitting", "Cook for the Mommy and Daddy two meals", etc. The parents to be will really appreciate this baby shower coupon gift book, especially for first time parents who appreciate the help

Gift of Saving a Life: A thoughtful baby shower gift is a gift certificate for a private CPR class for the mommy and daddy to be and a few of their selected family and friends who may become future babysitters

Diapers, Diapers and More Diapers: A great gift that seems to always running out for the Mommy-to-Be is to have everyone bring a few packages of diapers. New mommies never have enough in the house so getting diapers is a perfect baby shower gift

Useful Laundry Basket Idea: Instead of spending the money on a gift bag that is likely to get thrown away, use laundry basket, line it with a baby blanket and put the gift inside and cover with tissue paper or another blanket. Then the basket can be used for the extra laundry that will be added or for toy storage

Floating Ducky: Take a silver mini washtub and fill it with water and float a rubber duck in each one. Tie balloons to one of the handles. It's simple, but sweet. You can also place various baby shower related items next to the washtub, like shampoo, lotion and such

Laundry Basket Goods: Purchase a laundry basket, baby laundry detergent, you're favorite pre-wash, stain remover, wipes to go, and some fabric softener and place in the basket. You can arrange all these small items with tissue paper in the laundry basket, which will serve as you're gift basket

Baby Shower Baby Books: Have each baby shower guest bring a baby book for the new parents. Have each guest pre-write a sentiment or advice to the new parent's on the first page of each book which is a great memento to cherish for the baby growing up and the parents

Baby Plant / Tree: Buy a small tree that can be planted outside of the parents-to-be home. Tie baby items to the branches. The parent's to be can watch the tree and the baby grow at the same time. You can do the same thing with a small indoor plant

Fleece Baby Blanket: A fleece baby blanket is made by taking two pieces of fleece and putting them together, then cutting 3 in slits every 1 inch all the way around the blanket and tie knots to keep the pieces together. Then just roll the blanket up and tie it with a ribbon

Keepsake Box: Use a hatbox and add personal touches to the box by filling it in with onsies, clothes, pacifiers, bottles, wipes, diapers, etc. You can also include a pack of alphabet stickers so I could put the baby's name and birth date, weight and height on the box with the stickers once he/she is born

Baby Shower Gift Planning - Ideas & Baby Shower Invitations Cards

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Fisher-Price Papasan Seat

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  • Toy mobile with built in mirror
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

As for a baby registry

!±8± As for a baby registry

Register for a child can be confusing and overwhelming. However, if you keep simple and is armed with an organized list of items you need and want, the process can go much faster.

Children need a lot of things, but not all at once and not when they are born.

I always recommend checking other people register in order to get ideas before you go. When you register to repeat the elements see, it's safe to assume that they are very popular for a reason.

Bring to the husband.He will have fun with the gun registry.

BRING Home Baby

The following items necessary and / or that I found useful when children bring home with you.

Bibs and Bib - And many of them. Let friends buy a nice fantasy, but be sure to address the variety of cloth diapers bibs.

Receiving blankets - are always a must and absolutely necessary if your child is born during the coldest months.

Body / vests - you can find all these brought underbaby clothes as in a heap. Get the long and short sleeves. Places to get hold of you also wear safe, some of the shirts, button-up baby in hospital. They are perfect for when the baby's cord has not yet fallen and you want to keep loose clothing.

Bottles - I breastfed six weeks long, but I formula fed at the same time, so we had the bottle immediately. We started with three of the 5 oz bottles and now four of the 9 oz bottles. Maybe you want a little more thanBut I do not like the mess and do not mind washing them every day. If you have dogs, buy a pair of nipples, because they get, they chew and ruin. The same goes for pacifiers.

Breast Pump - If you are breastfeeding, you'll want a pump. I rented from the hospital, which saved me money because breast pumps are not cheap. With the rent I got a new package of sterilized equipment. If you are in it for the long term, get a pump that has a hands-free bra. They areappreciate knowing that your hands to do other things while pumping.

Infant Car Seat - secured a parking space. The hospital will not let go, if you have one. Be careful not to bring, if you want to sit there in your room to check. Your husband can bring in the first five minutes of custody. Just make sure that leaves the base car.

Swaddle and sleep sack - Get a pair of these. Your child will be wrapped in sleep for a few months, sowant to have a few different materials depending on the season.

Monitors - There are many options on the market, including video monitor.

First Aid Kit - Make sure that all brushes, combs, scissors, nail clippers, toothbrush fingertips, nail files, nasal aspirator, thermometer, dropper, etc. Also some small noses, baby Tylenol, Desitin and Aquaphor baby at your hand.

Diaper pail - your baby is pooping now, so you have a site, these must be made smellyDiapers.

Wipes and towels - even if your child does not get a real bath until the cord falls on them, they will still want to sponge every few days. You can keep in the pan, until the cord falls off.

Boppy - This pillow is ideal for breast feeding and now the child's abdomen.

Swing / Bouncy Seat - This device will keep your children happy and your hands free.

Of course, you also need a cot or crib, stroller, dresser / changing table,Bedding, gliders and other larger mobile, as you see fit.

Diapers, formula and wipes

Do not you have the basis of these first child was born. You can get a ton of this stuff out of the hospital. Be sure to bring a bag in the hospital longer empty and take so much, this product, as you can.

Once you know the kind of used nappies for the baby, Amazon.com is an ideal place for diapers in bulk for less money. Costco is a great place to buy towels andFormula.

Items you can skip

These are the things I said was not received or considered necessary by professionals and other mothers.

Bottle warmer - waste of counter space. You can always freeze the milk in the veins under a hot tap water to warm, or use hot tap water for mixing formula.

Wipes Warmer - You know I love baby's ass, but a warm towel is not required.

Auto Sunshade - This is actually a danger to driving. It should not be around in the back seat with the exception of the childin the seat.

Car Mirror - danger of driving again. You see your baby all the time instead of watching the road. Finally, you realize your child can see them and start complaining to you. Better leave them to themselves and to learn some independence.

Sleep Positioner - The packaging indicates that it helps prevent SIDS, but there is no science to support this. In addition, they are actually nothing in the cradle - which includes a sofaPositioner.


These are items that you can put on the registry, but not immediately necessary.

Stroller blanket - I recorded a few personal items, such as a covered stroller.

Products Bath time - the hospital will contact a few samples, but it's nice, a gift basket to your registry.

Baby Carrier - My aunt gave me a sling very good, because it is very useful. It can be expensive, so let someone else buy one for you.

Pack N Play - We didneed this product now, when my daughter's crib, but the moment had arrived.

Mobile - I waited a bit 'too long to get one because my daughter really enjoys the phone only to get around. Get one that works on batteries. Our cranks and you stop playing after one minute.

You can get a ton of clothes, books and toys as gifts. Most people who sign up for these elements disappears. If you want something specific, you should put on the registry.

What you needAFTER

These are things that you need when the baby gets bigger. It never hurts to have them on your registration. As with most large children's stores offer a completion program where you receive a discount on all items left on the registry.

Infant Car Seat - convertible car seats are fine because they are both rear and front. This means that a child who has passed the seat can, even in a larger car seat, rear-facing to go.

Bumbo - the child will not sit tothis chair until nifty hold their heads high and straight. But as soon as possible, is this great little place and can be used as a chair when the time comes.

High chair - do not need it until it's time to start the solid food is. You save space and stay in this position.

Cups, plates, dishes - definitely will not need these items for the baby solid food.

The recording can be daunting, but take a deep breath and go in a quiet andpositive attitude. Bring snacks, you can take a while '.

As for a baby registry

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